The Photographer

(by Edward Zeusgany and Alex Anders, © copyright 2000, all rights reserved)

Because she owned and operated the Hair Today Beauty Salon, Cynthia Ober knew almost everyone and was aware of just about everything that was going on in town. So it was not long before she found out that a local photographer had been given work by a large department store. The finished compositions were to be used in the weekly flier.

This was the piece of information that stimulated the formation of a plan that would hopefully fulfill one of her preexisting ambitions. She wanted her son, now twelve, to be a model.

Everyone acknowledged that Preston was a handsome boy. He had thick, soft blond hair, blue eyes and an athlete’s body. Soccer was his sport. Though not an outstanding scorer, he was tireless and tended to make his best contributions late in the game. It was his personality that left something to be desired.

He had a nice smile when he chose to use it, but tended to be somewhat retiring. Like his father, Christine thought, and not overly bright either. The youngster earned mediocre grades in school. She felt it her duty to make up for the boy’s lack of spunk.

Her first step was to engage the photographer to make a professional portfolio for Preston. This would enable her to discuss her aspirations with the man and let him have the idea of using her son’s services as a model.


Wilbur recognized at once what Mrs. Ober was up to, but pretended otherwise. A week and a few days later she and Preston appeared for their appointment. The photographer was immediately taken with the lad. If the camera agreed with his assessment, then he would want to use Preston as a model and in other ways as well. But he intended to have both at little or no cost.

He examined the proofs and set the best ones aside. The rest he went over with Mrs. Ober and offered the encouragement that with another year of maturity and, perhaps some exposure, the lad might show sufficient promise for a career. He suggested that, if she would like, he would use Preston now and then in the ads on a no fee basis. If they turned out well and the store liked the work, then the youngster might be offered regular work and some modest payment could be arranged. That way it could count as professional experience.

It was up to her, the photographer said. It didn’t matter to him one way or the other as there were plenty of children available as models. Cynthia correctly saw this as an opening proposition and agreed to Wilbur’s terms. If Preston’s image appeared regularly in the flier, she could renegotiate for more money or help in finding a modeling agency to take the lad on as a client.

Over the next month, Preston had several after school engagements at Wilbur’s studio. The photographer made sure that the sessions were long and tedious. The only chair for Mrs. Ober to use was uncomfortable. It was in a place where it was too dark to read, that being necessary in order to control the lighting in the studio. While the youngster was using the changing room, the man was busy rearranging lights, backdrops, and items of merchandise to be included in a shot. The fellow was far too busy to entertain the model’s mother.

For each exposure there seemed to be endless adjustments. A shirt collar was sticking up in the back, the tuck into the pants was uneven, a shoe lace was sloppily tied. Mrs. Ober had often found it necessary to make similar alterations in the adolescent boy’s appearance. Then the pose was worked on; toys, sporting goods, or entertainment equipment moved about. Instructions were given to the model for facial expressions and where to focus his eyes. The numbing boredom of it all went on and on.

By the time Wilbur was finished, Preston would be grumpy and the trip home unpleasant. Cynthia would have to go over it all again. How important it was to be cooperative, how significant all this was to his future. After the forth session, she decided that there was no reason why she should accompany her child any longer. Had it been a daughter, that would have been different.


There were immediate improvements from Preston’s point of view. The photographer became much more friendly, frequently making complementary remarks on the boy’s looks, mixed with playful teasing. The whole operation became more light hearted and informal. It was no longer necessary to use the dressing room, for example. “It’s just us guys here now.”

A lot more pictures got taken. There was a wider variety of merchandise included, particularly clothing. Every session seemed to include yet another set of pajamas or underwear or both. Of course, not every shot made it into the flier. Rest breaks were more frequent and Wilbur provided tasty snacks for the youngster.

As the friendship developed, Wilbur probed and extended the boy’s limits for being handled. From the first, the boy liked being praised for his features and soon was quite happily accepting the man’s gentle caresses. Preston liked being touched. During breaks he would join the photographer for snuggling on the couch that replaced the hard wooden chair his mother had used.

The boy got used to having his top removed for greater intimacy. A hand on the rump was accepted without comment. Used to changing position or turning himself at the man’s request, he did so on the day that Wilbur’s hand first strayed under the elastic band of the pajama bottoms he had just been photographed wearing.

Preston liked having the man undress him. It was thrilling to be looked at that way, it made his mouth water. He had his first ejaculation into Wilbur’s hand. He was not surprised because the man had told him this would happen one day soon. As usual, he got very out of breath and had rested in the man’s arms, while Wilbur kissed his eyelids, the tip of his nose, his cheeks and, ever so lightly, his lips. Sometimes they would wait a quarter hour or so, naked together, before the lad felt like dragging himself back to work.

Now and then they took a few special exposures, art photographs, the photographer explained. He had shown the boy several elegant books of prints, so Preston knew that this was high class matter. Even so, he had the sense not to tell him mother about them, without Wilbur’s superfluous admonishment to that effect.


To the youth, giving the photographer the same pleasures he was receiving seemed a simple matter of fairness. Although he much preferred to have the man doing things to him, he learned to get a good grip on the man’s much larger member and subject it to a vigorous pumping. In time they proceeded to using their mouths, first in kissing, then in foreplay, finally in fellatio.

One day about a months later, Preston arrived at the studio to find that there was another man there. Wilbur introduced the fellow as a friend of his. At first, the boy was shy. But the photographer seemed not to think that there should be any modifications to their routine. After some initial awkwardness, they conducted themselves in the established ways. On this occasion, the newcomer participated only by way of conversation.

Mr. Littlefield was present at the next modeling session as well. Wilbur told the boy that the man would help him get ready for the afternoon’s work and that he should go with him into the dressing room. There was now a narrow cot in the room and the fellow had the boy lie down on it. Mr. Littlefield undressed him.

Preston was not surprised that a man would want to play with him in this way. The only unusual thing was that the fellow seemed to be obsessed with his bottom. Fingers explored and probed the crevice between well rubbed buns. On that day the man only masturbated him before dressing him in the first outfit he was to be photographed in.

The next time that Mr. Littlefield was present, Preston lay on his back. After a complete and stimulating full body massage, the man raised the youngster’s legs and had him hold on to his ankles to keep them up over his head. The lad felt something wet on his anus. Then one of Mr. Littlefield’s fingers entered him as though the fellow were searching for something. The youngster almost giggled at the thought.

The finger explored his insides to the extent possible. It moved in and out and tested the opening’s capacity to be stretched. With the other hand, Mr. Littlefield continued to caress him. Then the man leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. It was quite an exciting activity, and the orgasm the man gave him afterward seemed more satisfying to the boy.

On subsequent visits Mr. Littlefield used two and then three fingers. The length of time that this particular game was played was extended. Preston figured out where this was leading well before the day when he first had a penis in his rectum.


The youngster became acquainted with some of the photographer’s other friends. He began occasional visits to several of them at their homes or apartments. Over the next four years, Preston continued to work as a model for Wilbur and earn small sums paid as honoraria. This money went into an account his mother planned to use to finance his eventual career as a top fashion model.

It was his older friends who provided him with spending money. And they paid for refreshments and amusements when they were out together. Then Cynthia began to hear reports of her son being seen with a man of unsavory reputation. She asked Preston about this and he denied it. Inquiries of customers soon yielded a lot more than she wanted to hear; about that man, other men and the photographer.

Already displeased with Wilbur for his failure to advance her son’s career, she confronted him with the collected information. When he tried to laugh it off as ridiculous, she charged him outright with sodomy and pandering. The man ordered her out of his establishment.

Furious, she again challenged Preston. She was shocked when the boy angrily fought back. Yes he was gay, he said. He had done nothing with any of the men she had named and would deny it to the police or to anyone else she forced him to talk to. He stormed out of the room. Cynthia sat down, stunned.


It came as a shock to Preston that Wilbur and most of the other guys didn’t want to be seen with him anymore. A few were willing for him to visit on the sly, but not too often. Six months later, Preston ran away from home and has not been heard from since.

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